Daily Idiom and Phrases Quiz 8

All his schemes to murder the king "ended in smoke":

Correct! Wrong!

This fashion of long flowing skirts will "run its course":

Correct! Wrong!

The police caught the thief "red- handed":

Correct! Wrong!

I was so disappointed when my close friend "left me in the lurch":

Correct! Wrong!

His position in the company was "on the brinks of disaster":

Correct! Wrong!

The car broke down just as if reached the edge of a cliff. It was indeed "a close shave":

Correct! Wrong!

The parents are "in high spirits" as their son has got a decent job:

Correct! Wrong!

When she realised taht she had bought a fake product, she had bought a fake product, she knew taht her money had "gone down the drain":

Correct! Wrong!

Even though the new clerk was given a different task, he remained "cool as a cucumber":

Correct! Wrong!

Some people do not "grease anybody's palm" on any account:

Correct! Wrong!

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